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Where can we use Ergonomics?

Ergonomics can be widely applied to everyday domestic situations. But there are even more significant implications for efficiency, productivity, safety and health in work settings. Examples include: 1…

Acupuncture Literature References

References: 1 White, A. Editorial Board. Western medical acupuncture: a definition. Acupuncture in Medicine 2009; 27: 33-35. 2 Sackett DL, Rosenberg WMC, Gray JAM, Haynes RB, Richardson WS: Evidence…

Why consider Western Medical Acupuncture?

Western Medical Acupuncture (WMA) is practiced by doctors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, nurses and other healthcare practitioners working within Western health services. This means that practitioners…

When should acupuncture not be used?

Acupuncture is generally a safe form of treatment. Research shows that the risk of serious events occurring in association with acupuncture is very low, below that of many common medical treatments.9 &…

What happens at my acupuncture session?

Treatment with Western Medical Acupuncture is only carried out after a conventional medical or osteopathic history and examination. This allows a diagnosis of the problem to be made, and confirms that…

Osteopathic Research Updates

Osteopathic Patient Expectations (OPEn) study The General Osteopathic Council commissioned research into patients’ expectations of osteopathic care as part of a wider programme of work to enhance…


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